Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January= Jogging

I'm going to try to do a "Monthly blurb" kind of thing, each month a different random thing we do...so at least this lil' blog will get 12 posts! hehe!


We live in a small compound, with a nice comfortable house, but not too much space to exercise. Fortunately there is a stadium just down the street a ways, so we try to go there twice a week at least. This time it was just Mum, Dad, Miles, Silas and I. :) We always have a good time together. I didn't actually run or jog this time, it was more of a jaunt with a camera!

First of all...

...you go down and "warm up" with Miles...which means he kicks the ball and you take pictures and laugh at him. :)

Then once you arrive at the stadium you take a cute picture with your Mum. <3

There goes Silas on his bike!

Trying to take a peek into this mysterious stadium that we walk around.

"Did you see that sky today? Talk about Blue!"
"Yes Kronk, uh, where is the Emporer's drink?"
Oh! Sorry about that!

Fresh cut bush on the walk...

Converses...brown. :)

You've got to love walking when you can look at this! :)

Coconut Palm trees through the fence...ooh, I could use some coconut water! :)

Dad...*shakes head* :)

You can do it Miles! You are awesome in my book!

This is one of my favorite parts. It's so beautiful when you get here. It's shady, but not too cool, with the sun still warm, and it always catching a breeze. :)

There you go! :) Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday! :)


  1. yay! i feel so special...i got to get the inside scoop before it went on the blog! ;D good to see "how big" the stadium is....yes, it IS pretty big. :) enjoyed our chat last night... love you girl.


  2. Dear sweets, I love your jaunty lil post! ;) *hums a song* The pictures are really good! I love you baby! :)

  3. Very nice blog....i laughed hard at Kronk there :D

  4. Brown converses! You are too cute :) Loved seeing where y'all excersice and pictures of your sweet family. <3


  5. Very nice blog....and it's such a lovely place to go walking! The area with the shade trees is one of my favorite parts too! Lovely pictures too! Love you sweet Naomi!
