Sunday, April 29, 2012

April = A new frame of...glasses.

In February of 2010 I had to get reading glasses. They're nice, right? 

But then my eyes stopped liking them so about headaches! 

So, we heard of a really nice place down here, some of the brethren recommend it. So here we go! I branched out and got black rimmed glasses. No nose pads, and *gasp* they have bling. 

Eyes feeling much better. :)

Ah! Can you believe it!? Bling! I really like it. :) 

Random shot of the hall. You gotta love sepia, eh?

I like doing my hair like this. :)


So now: "Seven Tips For Making an Eye Appointment Less Boring."

1. Examine the over-than-life-sized pictures of the guys modelling glasses, and laugh at the amount of mascara they had to use to make them have such dark eye lashes. 

2. Think how funny you must look bent over in the awkward angle with your chin on the little rest. 

3. Seriously just relax and don't jump when the lady does the little "puff" of air on your eyes to measure some sort of pressure...'cause then she has to do it 5 times! 

4. Smile at the cute little girl on a lady's lap across the way. 

5. Be glad you brushed your teeth (and hope that the guy has too) when the doctor is up in your face shining a really bright light in your eyes. But don't laugh in his face when that thought comes to you. heh heh! 

6. Let the sweet Aunty pick out your will be very happy, especially when the third pair was the one. It makes the trip a whole lot shorter! :)

7. When the really nice guy is making sure the frames fit, suddenly recall "Oh! This is the mohawked guy that  had to fix my old frames when this poor little deer-in-the-headlights 16 year old sat on them a year ago! Ha!"

Have a great week everyone! :)


  1. How great that you were able to get new glasses! They look completely adorable. =D Love you, Onie-not-so-baby! ;)

  2. Bwahahaha! This made me totally happy! :) Love the new glasses, girl! You look Now you're so much smarter-looking than me...:( I totally am going to go get me a new pair soon. Mine are like, 3-perscriptions-old and...yeah,...not. good. :D

    Oh, and FYI, you are beautiful and I LOVE YOUR HAIR! Love you girlie...we need to totally Skype again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  3. Hahahaha! The mascara bit was hilarious.

    Your glasses do look fabulous. And your naturally pink cheeks are absolutely gorgeous.

  4. Julia, I can't help how much years I am...but I'll always be Onie-baby. :) I don't know about adorable, but thanks. <3

    Marli, we do need to skype! And thanks, you're sweet. :)

    Melissa, the mascara was probably my favorite part of this post to do! Haha! Oh, and ....*blush*... Thank you. :) You just made my day. hehe

