Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday's Factual Randomosity

1. I love children. I can't wait to have a family of my own.

2. I have a super cute nephew...well, it's true! And he has the most contagious grin...AH! Sorry. :) ...AND they are coming down to see us in June the 5th. :D I am one excited Aunty! 

3. I am left eye dominant, so I shoot left handed. 

4. I walk in time to music. So if I am ever blessed to be married, I will probably walk in beat. Even if it is halftime! And if Maria (Julie Andrews) in Sound of Music did it, then I can too! Ha!

5. In the song "Soul and Inspiration" by the Righteous Brothers, when they say,  "Baby, I can't make it withoutcha. And I'm, I'm tellin' ya, honey, you're my reason for laughin', for cryin', for livin', and for dyin'." I like to add "And for freezin' and for fryin'!" :D

6. It's so frustrating when you are sewing and the head of your pin comes off while you're trying to take it out.

7. I did it. I got some fabric, and went out on a limb and just DID it! ... I made an orange, with white polkadots, skirt! :) I'm in love! 

8. I wonder if the guys in "Man from Snowy River" got wind burn from filming the riding? lol

9. My joints crack a lot. Like a lot. 

10. I can't wait to be done with school. Then I can just be a stay-at-home daughter. :) 

11. We sleep under mosquito nets. What a lifesaver! (But I like Jolly Ranchers better, so "What a Jolly Rancher!")

12. I can't go to sleep without chap stick on.

13. I always check behind all shower curtains. Everywhere, anytime- I've been jumped out at and scared way too many times!! 

Have a great weekend! :)


  1. My joints crack a lot also. It's kind of icky.

    So. You sleep under mosquito nets. Does that mean you use them like blankets and cocoon them around your body and head?

  2. Haha! This post made me totally happy. :) Oooh! I wanna see the skirt, k? ;) And yay for a visit with the nephew!

    Love ya lots, girlie.

