Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life is a Song

Many people have described my family as a musical, or a song, because we love to sing! There is hardly a moment when somebody says anything, that there is not a song to go with it. I love music, playing it and singing it. It's just a part of my everyday life.

James 5:13 says:
"Is any among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise."

I love to sing hymns, especially with my siblings. And there is just something about music; it can calm you down, hep you up, put you to sleep, wake you up, make you cry, make you smile... :)

One of my favorite movies is "The Sound of Music," and I've always loved "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things." My favorite things do differ somewhat than the song, but still. :)

I hope you enjoy my blog! (Hopefully the posts will get better as I go! Haha! ;)


  1. It's so nice to see your blog, Omi! It's funny that I wrote a post about some of my favorite things, and was thinking of this movie, and that song as I did so. I love you sweet girl and loved your post!

    Mrs. Debbie

  2. Thanks Mrs Debbie! I was setting it up, and went to your page and saw your post, I was like "What? did she read my mind?" :) Love you too! <3

  3. Yay! I just saw you started following me and I headed over here quick as I could! What a cute blog! I love it. :) And what a nice first post... I totally agree about music. Love you!

  4. hooray! i am looking forward to all your coming posts. i'm sure this will be one of my favorite stops in blogville :)
