Wednesday, April 25, 2012

10 Random Things About Me

1. "Keep Breathing" by Ingrid Michaelson is my theme song for Algebra.

2. Miles and I laughed ourselves silly last night looking at 70's fashion and hairstyle.

3. I have to get mens size medium sleeping pants to make them long enough for me.

4. Sometimes I listen to "You belong with me" by Taylor Swift just to make me laugh. Seriously. Just ask Miles.

5. I like cooking spontaneous pizza.

6. I like to wear my hair in two plaits just to wear them up like Princess Leia from Star Wars.

7. Michael Jordan is the best basketball player. Ever. And I know, I actually looked him up!!

8. I like splashing through puddles.

9. I have started following WI cricket. Shocker, I know! (and football/soccer some...I just don't like Barca's colours...hahaha!...but Lionel Messi is awesome, I admit.)

10. I like music. :)


  1. I love this post. You should tell us more random things about yourself!

  2. How do you make your pizza? I've been wanting to make homemade pizza but I don't know where to begin!

    1. Hello Courtney!

      I usually make a real crust when I have time, but when I'm short on time, I really like "Crazy Crust Pizza" from the La Leche League book. I usually cook the crust by itself for a little, then I add the toppings and finish cooking it. Here's a link to the recipe I use.
      And a real crust with yeast is easy to find a recipe for. Just google it.:)
      Hope this helps! Oh, and have fun with toppings...the more the better!
